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🌍 Fascinante y Poderosa: La Erupción del Volcán en Grindavik

Aquí estaré compartiendo todas las actualizaciones del volcán Grindavik en Iceland.



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Notas en medios internacionales

Fuente: El País



When ur on the last already delayed flight back from Iceland and the volcano erupts xox. Video from airplane
JUST IN: First aerial footage captured just minutes ago of the newly opened volcanic fissure near Grindavík, Iceland. It is estimated to be about 3 km long!




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Medios oficiales

An eruption started between Sýlingarfell and Hagafell at 10pm. An earthquake swarm started in the magma intrusion north of Grindavík around one hour earlier.

18. December 2023 - 16:47, updated at 19. December 2023 - 03:53

  • Ármann Höskuldsson, a volcanologist, says that the eruption is in the best place in a tricky sequence of fissures. He believes that the fissure might stop extending.

  • Björn Oddson, a geologist, says that the lava isn’t flowing towards Grindavík. He says the eruption is relatively well-positioned.

  • Wind directions have been favourable, says meteorologist Einar Sveinbjörnsson.

  • There's an expectation that volcanic gas might drift eastward, potentially shifting southeastward, over uninhabited areas and out to sea.

  • An Level of Emergency state has been declared by Civil Defence.

  • The fissure of the eruption is about four kilometers long.

  • The lava flow in this eruption is significantly larger compared to recent volcanic eruptions in the Reykjanes Peninsula.

  • The police commissioner in Suðurnes says that no one should be in any physical danger. The most significant risk from the eruption, as it stands, is if changes occur in the fissure.

19. December 2023 – 07:08

  • Lava flow down to one-quarter of what it was yesterday

  • The power of the eruption continues to decrease and five individual vents are forming on the fissure. The lava flow is now about a quarter of what it was at the beginning. One third of the original crack is active. This is all on the website of the Icelandic Met Office.

  • Magma plumes are also lower now than at the beginning of the eruption, reaching about 30 meters at their highest point, according to scientists who made reconnaissance flights over the eruption. Another measurement flight is planned now at one o'clock, and there should be a clearer picture of the development of the activity.

  • "The development of the eruption is similar to volcanic eruptions at Fagradalsfjall, where the fissures have started to contract and form single vents. At this point there are about five scattered along the original crack."

  • There was little activity at the southern end of the fissure at Hagafell, and the largest lava flow heads east towards Fagradalsfjall. Two smaller runs extend west, north of Stóra-Skógfell.

  • Gas pollution may be felt in Vestmannaeyjar today, and residents in the capital area may detect it late tonight or in the morning.

  • A new hazard assessment map is being developed and will be published later today.

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